dimanche 29 mars 2009

Pardonnez-moi M. Gaide, professeur d’anglais en classe prépa à Lyon


The first part of the film workshop, the theorical one, nearly ends. The students have learnt and practiced in the same time and now they know a little about movie langage, editing and shooting. They shot a short story they wrote last week, will edit it this week and the film will be on A. TV in May.

Now we begin to work on the final project of the workshop that is a collective film of nearly 45 minutes with all the classes involved in this project : MS, RU, R. and LD.
Each class will be divided into several groups (but we don’t mix the schools) and each group will write a sequence of the scenario, then will shoot and edit it. The writing of the scenario will go from one group to another, so that each group when it will be its turn will have the possibility of changing the direction of the movie if it wants to. In MS we have 12 students so we’ll make 3 groups.

When all the scenario will be written, we will organize a casting for the whole movie. This is the main point of my message. I obviously don’t know yet what will be the story and who will be the main characters, but I do want to make the casting with students from MS. Several reasons came to my mind when I had this idea : the creativity they show me (for the students of the film class) each week, their natural in front of the camera (better than the other students) and the fact that their schedule is sometimes more flexible than other students because I work directly with the staff of the school. I know that the students are not here to be actors but to learn a job, but I really think that if the schedule allows them to participate in the film that would be a great experience for them.

So the idea would be to organize the casting in MS, opened for all the students from MS for the young characters of the movie (and maybe opened also for other people if we have special ask for). I need to know if you agree with this idea because it will have consequences for the students who will be chosen as actors : we will shoot nearly 14 sequences, that means that we will need them a lot, sometimes in the week-end but maybe sometimes during the week. The schedule will not be easy to organize because I face the contraints of each school and each students… Of course I will be more precise when we will have the scenario and the complete list of characters.

The casting would be between the 27th April and the 2nd May.
The days for the shooting will be spread in May and June.

I am opened to any suggestions and hope that you will like the idea. I really think that it would be great for the film and also for the students of MS.

Best regards,"

ah tiens regardez ce que j'ai trouvé en dérushant , ça m'a pris 2h45 pour la mettre en ligne (alors que j'ai encore une dizaine de vidéos prêtes à être postées), internet a buggué vers la fin, j'ai cru que j'allais chialer mais non tout va bien ça a marché.

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